What to Bring
As a reminder, here is the equipment your child may bring each day for regular camp activities. PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING you do not wish to lose!
* means REQUIRED
Please pre-apply sunscreen at home, and we will assist your child in applying sunscreen as needed.
What NOT to Bring: Please do not allow your child to bring any electronic devices, toys, squirt guns, trading cards, or large amounts of money.
IN CASE OF RAIN: You WILL receive an email about an hour before camp if there are any changes to the schedule. Please be sure to check your email if you have ANY DOUBT as to a rain delay. NO NEWS is a go!
If the weather is severe we may have to CANCEL A DAY to be made up on Friday
Daily Schedule
Arrival: Camp starts at 9:00AM/Drop-off begins at 8:50AM
Please sign in Day 1 with one of the coaches to confirm your attendance
Lunches: Campers should avoid bringing items or any food that might spoil if unrefrigerated (Ex. mayonnaise) We will have a cooler for storage so please label your lunches
Pick-up Procedure: All campers should be picked up at 1:00PM. Campers will only be released to authorized adults. Please wait for your child to be dismissed by the adult in charge, and to confirm your presence. If arriving for early pick up, please check in with the Camp Director.
Messages: If you need to get a message to us or to your camper for emergencies only, please call Tim Gunn at 215-915-3810